Recently in my capacity as MMC for Human Settlements, I conducted an oversight visit to the Marabastad Townlands Social Housing Project. During the visit I was accompanied by officials from Housing Company Tshwane (HCT), a social housing entity of the City.

The Marabastad Townlands Social Housing Project offers subsidised rental rates in a prime location that is close to the inner city and various workplaces.

The project is considered one of the country’s biggest social housing ventures and consists of 1 200 mixed units. It is set to benefit Tshwane residents who do not qualify for government-sponsored housing nor earn enough to qualify for home loans, the so-called “missing middle”.

As part of Phase 1, a total of 211 tenants have been allocated units and have already moved in. Another approved group of 21 tenants will move in by the end of this month, totalling 232 tenants so far. There are, however, some teething challenges, such as plumbing and electrical faults that we identified and will soon be resolved.

A more prominent challenge is ensuring that we resolve the HCT cash flow challenges that have affected the construction of the remaining phases. It is important that all phases of this project are completed without any major delays. Therefore, we will work to ensure that construction resumes soon.

Our multiparty coalition government is committed to supporting all qualifying residents to access affordable housing opportunities.

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